Car parking is free.  Access is limited during a race, but available between races.
The public car park is in the centre of the course.  Early arrival is recommended if you want to park adjacent to the racecourse.  Picnics are welcomed, and BBQ’s permitted on the condition that they are kept a distance from the track.
Afternoon meetings:

Gates open at 12.00pm for all afternoon meetings.

Evening Horse Racing Meetings:

Evening Meetings, gates open at 5.00pm.

We do not have a strict dress code at Les Landes and recommend that you dress for the weather.  Those guests dining in the members and corporate enclosure will tend to dress smartly, but with our relaxed approach are not required to wear jackets or ties.  Ladies often wear hats in the marquee.  In the public areas, dress is informal.  Stiletto heels may not be suitable due to the terrain.
You may like to picnic in the car park, or in the public areas at the course, or explore the beautiful headland adjacent to the racecourse. At all of the race days there are various traders stalls available.

There is a restaurant in the Members Marquee, which you can gain entry to if you have purchased a “Day Members” Badge.  Booking is essential, and that can be done by contacting the Jersey Race Club Secretary at secretary@jerseyraceclub.com.

There are food concessions and a bar in the public area.

Food and drink can be brought into the car parks or the public areas, but it is not permitted in the members marquee.
Yes, but only within the limits of your car parking space. Please note parasols, sunshades and umbrellas are not permitted to hang over the running rails.
In a visible place, otherwise you will be asked to show it.

There are two forms of betting available at the course. The club run tote provides betting windows and mobile operators around the course.  For more information on Tote betting please see our Tote page.

Bookmakers are located close to the finishing post.

The forecast is published on racecourse information boards.  You can also check out our Twitter feed.

Disabled parking can be arranged in advance by contacting the Jersey Race Club Secretary.

There is a viewing stand reserved for our disabled race goers, very close to the finish line.

There is not a cash point available. Nearest is in St Ouen Village.
Dogs are permitted, but must be kept on a lead at all times and kept away from the Parade Ring if they are likely to agitate the horses.  Please ensure you pick up after your dog.
Please see the Clerk of the Course or the Secretary for lost property enquiries or report to the weighing room
Doctors are present at each race day event. The first-aid point, where St John Ambulance personnel are on duty, is adjacent to the parade rings.
Yes. Better still, accompanied youngsters, under 16, are admitted free to all enclosures.
There is no crèche available.

Refunds of admission fees will only be made in the following circumstances:

Race meetings abandoned before completion of one race – 100% refund.

Abandoned before completion of three races – 50% refund.

Abandoned after three races – no refund.

Claims are made by submitting either badges or admission receipts, by post, up to 28 days after the meeting (excluding Hospitality packages). Please contact the Secretary at secretary@jerseyraceclub.com

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